Receive Divine Guidance and Messages of Love


This year seems to be another one of those years that many people are going through challenges. A few years ago, when things seemed difficult for so many, I asked the angels to give a suggestion as to how to navigate such times. I sat down with pen and paper and took "angel dictation". Here is what they had to say: Be playful! "Be playful? When times are so uncertain these days?" you may ask. Yes, indeed! This is a very potent time for ... [Keep Reading]

Calming Your Inner Critical Voice


Most of us think that pressure manifests when we have too much work or when our schedules are jam packed, however, the majority of stress and anxiety comes from the pressure we put on ourselves. I believe there are ten main sources of stress ... and they all come from our own negative "inner voice".   In other words, rather than remembering our own unique Light, we create stress in our life by judging ourselves too harshly. As part of my ... [Keep Reading]

Spiritual & Energetic Business Tools


Recently in a Discovery Session with a lovely woman, the conversation brought us to a topic that I thought I'd share today: As soul-centered entrepreneurs, we have so much available to us for our success. We can use our spiritual tools as business tools. (And this also applies to those who work for someone else, or really ~ in life, for that matter!) For instance, we all have angels and guides that we can call upon. I call them our ... [Keep Reading]

Sacred Painting Process


Do you ever have “this thing” that is inside of you…that you know is just wanting to come forward…and maybe you have an inkling of what it’s about and maybe you don’t. I’ve been feeling this way recently. And I believe it has to do with art…perhaps it’s incorporating more of it in my coaching processes with people, or maybe it’s a vehicle for me to get more in touch with “this thing”…or perhaps both! I also know that there’s more of the ... [Keep Reading]

What baggage do you bring to conflict resolution?


There are so many types of relationships we have: relationships with friends, parents, siblings, children, our spouse or significant other, clients, co-workers, and colleagues. Even though we may have enjoyable and loving relationships, we may also struggle at times with issues such as communication problems, conflict resolution, and "baggage" that we bring with us. Our "baggage" comes from our past experiences, which can create beliefs. ... [Keep Reading]

How’s Your Self-Care?


When you think of "self-care", what do you feel? Do you feel a twinge of selfishness or guilt? We are hearing more and more about the importance of self-care, yet for so many of us, it can be one of the hardest things to do. I know this is true for men as well, but for us women, who by nature of the Feminine are nurturers and care-takers, it is especially hard. Add to the mix a long to-do list, a household to stay on top of, kids we're ... [Keep Reading]

Acknowledge the Greatness in You!


Do you find that you can be your own worst critic?   Yep, I know...I do it too. Today I invite you to take a few minutes to jot down 20 positive things about yourself. Twenty may sound like a lot, but I'd love for you to keep digging deeper when you feel you can't think of any more. Because I KNOW you've got WAY more than 20 positive things about you! They can be small things and big things. Things like: I'm kind I'm funny I make a ... [Keep Reading]

Creating the Life You Want

Woman sitting in flowers

Creating The Life You Want... Are you living YOUR life or someone else's? When I ask women to describe the life they want, most say a loving relationship, financial stability, life balance, and the opportunity to help others, while doing what they love. So you have to wonder, why so few actually live the life they desire. Sometimes we focus on coping or surviving and don't give our dreams much thought. Often we put others first and our ... [Keep Reading]

Connect with Your Creative Genius


So, today I'd like to talk about the Creative Genius that resides inside of you. For a long time, I didn't believe that I was "creative". I've always thought of myself as a "stick figure drawing kind of gal". I think it stems from when I was little and Sister Mary Something-or-other made an example of me in front of the whole class about how we should NOT color. I can remember it vividly. She drew a teardrop figure on the blackboard and ... [Keep Reading]

Receive What You Need at This Moment


I can't believe that it's already June 10th! Last week was my boys' last week of school. This seems to signify for many of us a time that we can breathe a little without that school schedule and things to keep on top of. Halleluiah! (Wow, that's quite a word to spell correctly :-) In honor of that, I thought instead of writing in this post, I would share a little silence and the beauty of Nature with some photos I've taken. Just take a ... [Keep Reading]