Receive Divine Guidance and Messages of Love

This year seems to be another one of those years that many people are going through challenges. A few years ago, when things seemed difficult for so many, I asked the angels to give a suggestion as to how to navigate such times. I sat down with pen and paper and took “angel dictation”. Here is what they had to say:

Be playful! “Be playful? When times are so uncertain these days?” you may ask. Yes, indeed! This is a very potent time for doing just that! This is a time of great change; a time of new beginnings and of endings. Why not consciously incorporate enjoyable things into your life as one of your “new beginnings”? Your energy can become quite dense and heavy when there are concerns floating in the background of your mind. Yet, the simple act of playing with your pet, or singing a silly song with your children or grandchildren – or just by yourself, can lift your energy. Pull out some crayons and color away with bright, happy colors! Turn on some happy music. Have a picnic lunch on a blanket – in the house if weather doesn’t permit it outdoors. Schedule a “play date” with yourself to do something that you enjoy. This is the time for nurturing your tired and worried self in a way that uplifts you and brings you joy. Allow it to be simple; allow it to be spontaneous. Allow yourself to just DO IT! You’ll be grateful to yourself that you did. Feel free to call us into your space to join you during your play sessions, as we would be more than happy to help amplify your feelings of joy!

If you’d like to receive messages of Love and guidance from your angels and guides, one way is through Intuitive Writing. It is often called “Automatic Writing”, but I also like to think of it as “taking angel dictation”. This is one of my favorite ways to receive messages ~ and you can use this method to receive messages from Spirit and even your own Inner Wise One.

525c24cf84c49f35d36ca4f8So, here’s how you get started:
Have paper and pen/pencil ready. Get yourself quiet and centered by taking in some nice deep breaths. It’s always a nice idea to say a prayer to call in the Angels and Guides and ask to be surrounded and filled with Love and Light.

When you’re ready, write on your paper “Dear Angels and Guides” and then your question. It’s best to phrase your question as “What would you like me to know about…?” For your first question you may want to just ask them “What would you like me to know (in general)?”  Don’t be surprised if their first message is letting you know that they love you and that they are here for you. You may think that’s a bit hokey, but doesn’t it make sense that they’d want to communicate that to you first? Just allow the words to flow through you. You may hear the words in your head or you might just “know” the words to write. (It’s OK if you don’t get too much in the beginning.) Just play with it for awhile and enjoy interacting with your Angels and Guides!

Enjoy! I’d love to hear from you about your experiences with this!


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