How’s Your Self-Care?

When you think of “self-care”, what do you feel? Do you feel a twinge of selfishness or guilt?

We are hearing more and more about the importance of self-care, yet for so many of us, it can be one of the hardest things to do. I know this is true for men as well, but for us women, who by nature of the Feminine are nurturers and care-takers, it is especially hard. Add to the mix a long to-do list, a household to stay on top of, kids we’re responsible for, a job or a business to run, and perhaps a parent or loved one to care for, we often end up last in line for our care and attention. This can lead us to feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.


And when we are feeling depleted, we tend to lose our patience, we have a hard time feeling connected to our creativity or Spirituality, as well as having difficulty making good decisions. This is a challenging place to be especially if we are spiritual entrepreneurs (as so many of my readers are).

So, I will remind you of something I’m sure you’ve heard a zillion times, but I feel is worth repeating…we are told on airplanes that we are to put the oxygen mask on ourselves before helping someone else with theirs.

If our “cup is not filled”; if we are “running on fumes”; or “running on empty”, what do we have to give to others? What we are attempting to give is surely not our best. And this is critical to remember when we are entrepreneurs! We are doing our business and our clients a disservice when we don’t take care of ourselves. (Ouch, that was a good reminder to me too. Thank you, Angels, for bringing those words through.)

So, whether you take a short break in your day to listen to some music…



…or have a little fun…


…to take a quick afternoon nap…


…or to treat yourself to a massage…


I’m sure you’ll find that you’ve refilled your cup and can continue your day feeling more refreshed and with your “batteries recharged”.


It’s much better to give from the “overflow” of your filled and overflowing cup instead of using your reserves. Instead of giving from a state of exhaustion and resentment, your giving is now charged with renewed energy and Love. Sounds like a much better option to me! So, keep filling your cup!


  1. SO true!! This simple truth NEEDS to be repeated again & again & AGAIN!! Cuz we women forget!! It isn’t selfish…it’s a MUST!! Or you won’t have anything to give…to others or yourself!! Beautifully said, Maryellen! xoxoxoxoxo

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