Spiritual & Energetic Business Tools

Recently in a Discovery Session with a lovely woman, the conversation brought us to a topic that I thought I’d share today:

As soul-centered entrepreneurs, we have so much available to us for our success. We can use our spiritual tools as business tools. (And this also applies to those who work for someone else, or really ~ in life, for that matter!)

For instance, we all have angels and guides that we can call upon. I call them our “Angelic Business Team”. They are happy to assist, support and guide us with our businesses. We also can use the power of our intention and the power of Love.


Here are a few things you can add to your business practices:

  • When sending a newsletter or email, connect with your heart and the passion and Love for your work and those you are here to serve, and send that Love along as you hit “send”.
  • When working on a project, bless it. Ask that everyone this project touches be blessed (including you).
  •  Do a simple sacred ceremony by lighting a candle (adding any other elements if you’d like) and writing down all the aspects of your right and perfect client. You could burn the paper, knowing that the smoke carries your wishes up to the heavens. Or you could place the paper to your heart, allowing your heart energy and their heart energy to connect, and then send that energy off to flow across the planet, connecting with those you are meant to serve.
  • Put the real YOU into your website and your writings. Let it be a representation of your true essence. Let the Law of Attraction work for you and your business! If your website or your words are watered down to please the masses, the people who would most resonate with the real you will not feel that resonance, and move on in their search. Let your True Brilliance shine!

Give these a try! I’d love to hear from you on how they are shifting things!

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