Permission to Honor Your Soul

We’re at the end of October and I thought I’d pop by to share a little bit of Angel Love with you. I hope it’s been a good month for you, but if it’s been a challenging one, know that you are loved and supported.

I received this message from my angels one day when I was feeling very much like my time was not my own. It feels like this may be a message for many of you too:

“You have permission to honor your Soul. Even if it is in small ways. The intention behind it is more powerful than you know! It shifts the energy of “Oh, I can’t…” to “I can take little snippets of time for my well-being”.  Just as you are doing right now: taking advantage of the quiet of the house; not getting to the dishes first, but instead taking this time for you; listening to music. You must do this for yourself. You actually do have freedom. It may be in little snippets right now, but it’s all in your perception. And remember that this too shall pass.”

Here are a few high points of this month for me:

I celebrated my birthday on the 7th with dinner out with family and a yummy chocolate cake! My husband always remembers that chocolate is good for my Soul. I also had a visit from my Hawk friend who hadn’t been coming to our tree for awhile. That was a nice birthday gift!


Our 28th wedding anniversary was on the 24th. I guess time does fly when you’re having fun!


For an anniversary gift to my husband, I’m painting this 20 x 20 inch Buddha for him. Even though I love the process of painting without worry about the outcome…I’m a little worried about THIS outcome! I’m choosing to do this differently than how taught in the Whitney Freya class, so I’m just flying by the seat of my pants. YIKES!! I’ve got more layers to do. Wish me luck!


I decided to add a few purple splashes to my hair again. Color is good for my Soul!


I am participating in Kelly Rae Robert’s course Spirit Wings. I made my very first face on this cute angel!


I hope you will do as the angels suggest and take time to do small or large things that will honor your Soul and bring you joy.


Angel Hugs,




  1. Hi, Maryellen! The painting you are making for your husband looks WONDERFUL! Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday! From your fellow Visionary Female Author sister…. =)

  2. I love the painting, too, Maryellen! I’d love to see it when its complete. Happy anniversary, happy birthday and thank you for sharing about really receiving the ‘snippets of time”. i will carry that with me.

  3. Thank you, Laurie! I did get the Buddha painting finished, so I’ll need to post a photo :-)

  4. I, too, want to see a picture of the completed Buddha! I’m only days away from moving into my new office. It’s far more beautiful and elegant than I originally envisioned… and I’m made a mental list of furnishings. It’s a delicious, nurturing space all my own. Thanks for bringing ti to my mind.

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