Tools I Use for Dealing with Challenges

We all seem to go through periods when we experience a challenge or two…or three. You know how it is ~ you’re struggling with one challenge (and that’s difficult enough to handle), but then you have one or two more challenges plop in your lap (perhaps you receive bad news, or you incur a huge unexpected expense, or there’s illness in the family).

Yes, I understand ~ I’ve been going through some of that recently too. It’s interesting how some parts of my life Worried woman portraithave been going along so beautifully, and then in other areas suddenly “you-know-what” hits the fan.

That’s the time you want to ride that roller coaster with as much grace and ease as possible!

So, I thought I’d share with you some of the tools I’ve used to help me get through it, as some of you may be going through your own challenges. With the name of my business as “Angelic Journeys”, you can be certain I incorporate some spiritual tools in my toolbox!


1.     I call for backup! I remind myself that I don’t have to do this alone. I call to Spirit and the angels ~ handing it over to them; asking for guidance on decisions, conversations, reactions, etc.; asking them to infuse the situations with Light and healing. What a load off my shoulders when I know that they are helping! Then I take note of the things I feel have truly been orchestrated by the Divine for the best outcome (even if at first it may seem like another difficulty). Noticing the assistance keeps me in a state of trust and hope.


2.     I do “Angelic EFT” tapping on myself to bring down the intensity of the emotions or the worry. So often when the level of emotion goes down, I can glean insights, get clarity, or see things from a different perspective. (If you are unfamiliar with EFT, you can watch the short instruction video I’ve recorded here.)
3.     When I need to get some of the emotion out of my body, or need some clarity on something, I do some “sacred doodling”. For example, when feeling overwhelmed and unsure about what to say in an upcoming difficult conversation, I scribbled all over my paper about my not knowing how to start the conversation, how best to word it, about my anxiety over it, etc. After a bit, what suddenly started flowing through onto the paper were the words to say in the conversation. Then you can doodle some hearts or flowers or something representing the feeling of confidence and encouragement you are now feeling.
4.     During the times when things feel really challenging, I practice “mindfulness”. I notice and give thanks for the things that are going well. I give thanks for the difficult conversation going better than anticipated, or that I had three good hours not thinking about the challenge. Or while getting out for a walk, I give thanks for the sun shining and the birds chirping that are helping shift my energy in the moment.
I hope these will help you too when you are navigating your own challenges. We are all human and we experience bumps in the road at times. I wish for you as much grace and ease as possible during your journey!



  1. Love these tools for resetting, MaryEllen! My fav is turning it over to the universe. That reminds me that I don’t have to have all the answers and know, right in that moment, what comes next. Thanks for such a lovely post!

  2. Thanks, MaryEllen, for sharing these valuable tools! I particularly appreciate the practice of “sacred doodling.” What a creative way to connect with Spirit! Many blessings!

  3. Maryellen, thanks for sharing some great tips… Especially love the ‘sacred doodling’. I like to write down my concerns/worries on a piece of paper and placing it on my altar (in the hands of the Divine) and usually the clarity or answer I seek comes to me.

  4. Beautiful article. Love the “sacred doodling” tip. Will definitely try that one.

  5. Lovely piece, Maryellen.

    I too have my own take on “sacred doodling.” I actually write out what’s going on, and what I’m tempted to do about it and then I do one of these:
    • put it under my pillow and literally sleep on it
    • mail it to myself (actual snail mail) which gives me a couple of days to cool off
    • put it in my goddess box for a season — giving it up to the Goddess to handle

    Thanks again, so grateful to have read this.

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