The Richness of Living a Purposeful Life

I’m so excited to share with you my article that is in the newest issue of Aspire Magazine! (Doing a happy dance :-) See below for how to get the magazine free as well as a sneak peak at my article.
Cover_Dec13Jan14_175x227This online magazine is INSPIRATION for a WOMAN’S SOUL!  I’m excited to share that my article “The Richness of a Purposeful Life” is in the just released issue December/January “Living a Life of Passion & Purpose” issue of Aspire Magazine.

And the great news is that Aspire is FREE!   It’s all part of Publisher Linda Joy’s “Mission to Inspire 100,000 Women” campaign. Her mission so resonates with me that I had to jump on board with her!

So click here to get your free subscription.




The Richness of Living a Purposeful Life

Through the years I’ve found that my life flows more smoothly when I stay connected to Spirit, to my angels and guides, and to my Inner Wise One. Opening myself to the beauty and wisdom in nature and art has created such richness and magic in my life. When I go for walks, I often invite my angels to walk with me. Sometimes particular trees call my attention and I receive a message. I thank the hawk flying above me or the crow following behind me, squawking a greeting. I choose to know that these beings of nature are here for me as messengers or to bless me in some way. I have witnessed and experienced so many amazing things that I truly know have been orchestrated by Spirit. But I also feel I experience these things because I am open to them, I invite them in, I embrace them and am honored to have them.

A few days ago a crow followed me on my walk, hopping from tree to tree. A day or so later, I was sitting in my 52a0ace084c49f503a37b131backyard when I saw another crow fly to the top of a tree near me. He sat facing me, squawking. It wasn’t like the usual “caw, caw, caw” of a crow, it was one squawk, then a pause, then one squawk, and a pause. After this went on for a little bit, I thought I would connect with the crow through my heart to see if it had a message for me. When the next squawk came, I heard, “You’re ready!” That message was quite meaningful to me, as I have been choosing to press forward on my path, take bigger and bolder steps, and explore what is around the next bend. I placed my hand to my heart, said “thank you” to the crow, and as soon as I did, he flew away. He had finally gotten my attention and given me my message.

I love receiving messages, guidance and wisdom through connecting with my angels or nature or even my art. Before writing this article for Aspire Magazine, I felt inspired to paint, to let the colors that were just right for the writing of this piece flow onto a canvas. I let my hand make strokes on the canvas, allowing this painting to bring to my consciousness what the article would be about.

There is such wisdom in our art; even if that art is squiggly, messy-looking doodles. I kept the painting next to me as I started writing. It called to me to gaze at it, and as I did, I found meaning in it. I saw my path going upwards, and it all looked so colorful and vibrant. I saw the beginning of the path with the one dot on the bottom representing me starting out, and the three dots at the top representing me allowing the other aspects of myself to come forward (the Inner Priestess, the Inner Dancer, the Inner Artist, the Inner Teacher, etc.) The other dots on the right side of the painting represent the people I am here to touch with my Inner Light; those I am here to serve and to guide. The part that took me by surprise was seeing all those little dots along both sides of my path representing all the angels and guides who are with me every step of the way. Yes, some might look at my painting and see pretty colors and marks on canvas, but I see Spirit once again sharing a message with me, filling me with encouragement and blessing my life. This canvas was being infused with the energy of the message and each time I looked at it, I received another piece of wisdom coming from it.

My life is so rich with deep meaning when I follow my true purpose. I have discovered that my purpose is a combination of listening to Spirit, appreciating all the blessings that are on this Earth, shining my own unique Light, and teaching and guiding others in their transformation.

Here are a few ways that you can get started opening to the magic and richness of your own Spirit-filled, purposeful life:

  • Invite the angels into your life. An easy way is to bring an angel statue or image into your space. You can place it on your nightstand or on your desk. Sit quietly, invoking your angels’ presence, and TRUSTING that because you have asked, they are truly there by your side. You may even feel their love washing over you.
  • See the world through the eyes of your Inner Child; the child who saw magic and miracles in everyday occurrences, especially in nature. The next time you are outdoors, choose to notice the beauty around you. Listen to the birds singing, feel the breeze upon your face, and feel the sun warming you. If something calls your attention (a tree, a flower, or a sound), allow yourself to really take note of it. What do you notice about it? What stands out for you? Is there a message in this for you? If a bird or animal shows up, you can look up the meaning of that totem.
  • Ask for a message through “automatic writing”. Just allow your pen to write the words coming through you. You might begin with asking your angels “What would you like me to know?” and you may very well receive a love letter from them. That often is how they begin their communication with you. You can ask for messages from your Inner Wise One, a tree, a guide; you can even ask the spirit of your business or the book you are writing what it would like you to know.
  • Start playing with art. Color, doodle, or paint. Let go of needing it to look a certain way or “like a piece of art”. When we let go of that need, we allow Spirit to guide our hands.  As I have allowed myself to explore art, I find that the angels can paint through me; that the energy and blessings that are invoked are being infused into the canvas. We can send our intentions and wishes out to the Universe through the portal of our canvas; we can paint out our feelings and emotions, releasing those that no longer serve us through that portal; and we can paint the new and positive feelings and emotions to be held by the canvas. Then we can gaze at our creation and see the wisdom that it has to share with us.
  • Connect with your Inner Priestess. This is the part of you who is so wise and powerful, yet so loving and compassionate. This part of you brings more of the Sacred Feminine into your life. She knows what your purpose is: how you are meant to shine your own unique light. You can choose to embrace this part of yourself, even if she seems a bit foreign to you. Give her a sign that you welcome her by connecting with her in meditation or by drawing or painting an expression of her.

I wish for you a life that is purposeful, sacred and joyful!

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