Leaps of Faith

Gain The Courage To Leap in Faith!

Which kind of risk taker are you?

Some people go their entire life without taking a risk. No matter how difficult or unpleasant life is, they can’t or won’t stray from the path they’re on.   Others leap from one adventure to another with little regard for security or routine.

I believe that most people fall somewhere in the middle. They choose their leaps carefully, and sometimes regret the opportunities that were missed.

Every day we are faced with new forks in the road, where we must decide to take a risk or do what we’ve always done.  Sometimes they are small risks like introducing yourself to a new neighbor or a potential client, or larger risks like changing jobs or starting a business.

When you experience a blinding desire for change, how do you determine if the risk is worth taking?  Is your choice more emotional or logical? Do you leap after a long period of research and consultation, or make a quick decision based on past experiences of successful leaps?

Either way, may I suggest something a bit different?

I find that when I’m faced with a decision, a reconnection with creativity helps give me the clarity I need.

Often, by stepping outside of your thinking brain, you are able to go deeper into connecting with your Inner Wise One and discover what’s best for you.

Rather than writing down all the possible logical consequences of your leap, grab a blank piece of paper or canvas and express your desires using crayons, markers or paint.

 Oil Pastel Crayons

Artwork can be a “portal” that can bring forward your inner wisdom and your true desires.  Simply allow the colors to call to you and let Spirit and your Inner Wise One move your hand ~ making swirly lines, drawings, words…whatever wants to be expressed. This allows you to move into your intuitive brain and receive additional information. You can also get your worries out of you and into the paper/canvas, allowing for clarity to come through. You may be surprised at what unfolds.

When I use this sacred art process, I am led to such wonderful experiences, truths and teachings.

The next time you feel the urge to leap, I invite you to give this a try. Simply find a quiet space and let your creativity flow!

And then you will feel much more confident and courageous in taking that leap of faith!


As you can see, your art does not have to look like it belongs in an art gallery! Allow it to be messy and free-flowing. Doing so allows the messages to flow through easily.

Should you find that you could use some guidance and support with taking a leap of faith or getting clarity on something, consider scheduling a session with me. I will guide you in an art process, along with some Angelic EFT tapping. This will be very powerful and enlightening to make that leap of faith with grace and ease!

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