How Well Do You Care for Yourself in Difficult Times?

How Well Do You Care for Yourself During Difficult Times?

We all go through challenging times at various points in life – whether it’s a health crisis, the end of a relationship, job loss, financial difficulties or the death of a loved one. To cope with such difficult times, self-care is vital, but too often we are hard on ourselves instead. Answer these true/false questions to discover how well you support yourself during difficult times.

True or False?

Set 1

1.     Although it doesn’t really help, when I’m facing something difficult, I often self-soothe by over-indulging in food, alcohol, shopping, etc.

 2.    During tough times, I get caught up in “putting out fires,” and self-care goes out the window.

3.     It’s easy for me to mentally spin out of control with worry and worst-case scenario thinking.

4.     I can’t face my friends and family when things aren’t going well; I tend to isolate.

5.     Shame and blame take over when I’m facing a difficult situation; I either feel it’s my fault or someone else’s.

6.     During hard times, I get scared and feel immobilized and depressed.

7.     I can’t understand why bad things happen to good people; it’s just not fair.

8.     In the midst of bad times, I lose perspective and have a hard time trusting that things will get better.

Set 2

1.     No matter what’s going on, I’m committed to staying on track with my self-care routines.

2.     Caring for myself includes asking for and receiving support from people who love and care about me.                  

3.     I share my feelings and what’s going on with people I trust.

4.     I have tools to help keep myself positively focused.

5.     No matter how intense the situation, I take the time to do things that make me feel better, such as exercising, getting a massage, or spending time in nature or with my favorite hobby.

6.     I surround myself with supportive people and uplifting materials.

7.     When times are tough, I look for any deeper or broader meaning behind the outer circumstances. That helps me keep the situation in perspective and even use it for my own personal growth.

8.    I trust myself to be able to walk through gracefully whatever comes my way.

9.    I remember to call upon the angels to support, comfort and guide me through difficult times.



If you answered true more often in Set 1 and false more often in Set 2, you may wish to get more support around caring for yourself. Please contact me if you’d like assistance in exploring this further.


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