Feeling Resistance to Change?

Change Just Ahead

Haven’t you noticed lots of change happening lately?

It seems to me that so many of us are evolving. Feeling “What’s the next step?” or being drawn to some next step. That’s been true for me too. I’ve been working on a new program I’m offering, worked with a graphic artist to create the new banner for the Angelic Journeys website, and did a re-design of the site. That has been a very powerful and creative process.

These have all been exciting changes for me, yet change can make us uncomfortable sometimes. Sometimes we notice that we are resisting, or perhaps the change truly is a difficult one to go through. In the spirit of this, I thought I’d give you a sample Angelic EFT tapping script for dealing with change. 

If you are unfamiliar with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), you can start by watching a short video to learn how to “tap”. (Click here to watch)

Angelic EFT

Here is a script of statements you can use to tap with on the subject of dealing with change. Before you start, let’s call our angels to us so that they can assist; filling the space with Love and Light and healing energy.

Think about and get in touch with the emotions around Change.

Set up statements (side of the hand):
Even though I’m resisting this change, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I’m having a really hard time with this change, I accept myself anyway.

Even though I’m really anxious about this change, I’m open to feeling better about it, right now.

Top of head:  This anxiety
Eyebrow:  This change
Side of Eye:  It’s causing anxiety
Cheekbone:  I don’t like change
Under nose:  It makes me feel anxious
Chin:  I feel the anxiety in my body
Collarbone:  I release the fear of change
Under arm:  This fear really doesn’t serve me
Top of head:  What if this change really is a good thing?
Eyebrow:  But I don’t like change
Side of eye:  I choose to release the fear around change
Cheekbone:  It really doesn’t serve me
Under nose:  This change might be leading me to something great
Chin:  I am open to believing that this is true
Collarbone:  I ask my angels to help me with this
Under arm:  I choose to trust in the divine plan
Top of head:  I release the anxiety and fear
Eyebrow:  Those just muddle up my vision
Side of eye:  I am open to clarity about this change
Cheekbone:  I can trust that I’ll be divinely led to any action steps I need to take
Under nose:  What if this is leading me to something wonderful?
Chin:  I choose to release the fear now!
Collarbone:  I am open to seeing the positives in this change
Under arm:   And in this positive mindset, I lift my vibration
Top of head:  As I lift my vibration, I align with infinite possibilities
Eyebrow:  There are so many possibilities available
Side of Eye:  I am open to receiving goodness in my life
Cheekbone:  I’m excited to see what the Divine has in store for me!
Under nose:  I choose to trust
Chin:  I am open to shifting to believing in a wonderful outcome
Collarbone:  I choose that for myself now
Under arm:   And so it is! Thank you, Angels!

Take in a nice deep breath. How are you feeling now? Has the intensity gone down? Are you feeling more peaceful about it? If the intensity hasn’t gone down as much as you’d like, you can do the whole sequence again. Add in your own words to make it more specific to your own situation if you’d like.

Often when we do this process, we clear the emotion and it allows for another thought or feeling  or memory to come up. It could be a memory of a time when a particular change was hard for you (often from childhood). Tap on that memory. You can make your statements something like: That time when I was ten and we moved; I hated moving; I had to leave all my friends; I hate change; it’s hard; I didn’t want to move; my parents made me; moving sucked!; change sucks!; etc, etc. Just keep tapping and keep “spewing” the words and feelings that are coming up for you.

It’s powerful stuff!

I’d love to hear from you on how the tapping worked for you!

If you’re interested in Angelic EFT sessions with me, see my web page on Angelic EFT and email me at Maryellen@AngelicJourneys.com.

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