EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT tapping is helpful for so many things!
We all have stress or other issues that we deal with day in and day out. Wouldn’t it be great to be free of these? With EFT, you can do this quickly and easily! Here are some “everyday life” examples of areas it can help with:
- feeling uncomfortable with how your body looks or feels
- food cravings
- money worries
- dreading confrontation
- worrying about making the right decisions
- wishing for more joy and fulfillment in your life
- emotions that eat at you: regrets, guilt, anger, unforgiveness, resentment
Feelings and beliefs can be neutralized and released, which then makes room for positive feelings and beliefs to take their place!
What is EFT?
EFT (or as it is often simply known as “tapping”) is a powerful technique that can have dramatic results. It is an energetic therapy that utilizes the meridian points in the body, in a similar way as acupuncture and acupressure (although there are no needles used). All that is needed is a gentle tapping with your fingers on some “acupoints” combined with verbal statements relating to emotional or physical feelings. It is a gentle, yet powerful way to quickly release blocks, limiting beliefs, triggers, trauma, fears, and physical pain. It is quite effective on eliminating irrational or illogical beliefs or thought patterns that may be buried deep within. You may also start to notice physical issues begin to fade. Neck stiffness, headaches, and other discomforts may reduce or disappear as emotional issues improve.
EFT is a mind/body technique that calms the amygdala part of your brain, which counteracts the fight, flight or freeze response we all go into when experiencing stress or trauma of some sort. It is also categorized as energy psychology. Not only does it help clear unwanted emotions, it also helps with PSTD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), phobias, and subconscious beliefs. There has been much success with work with veterans suffering from PSTD. So often what could have taken years in therapy, EFT has cleared the issue in three sessions.
We may have particular worries, stress or emotions, but so often there is a deeper, subconscious component at work. With EFT, we can “peel away the layers” to access the core issues that are causing the worry, stress or emotion.
It is a wonderful tool in life coaching as limiting beliefs and core issues are recognized and cleared so that you can start living the life you’ve been wishing for. Our subconscious has greater power over us than our conscious mind does. So even if we have deep, and often hidden, beliefs (that would seem illogical to our conscious mind), these have a stronger hold on us.
Recording of Group EFT Session to Bring More Abundance into Your Life:
In this 55 minute group phone session, you will briefly learn about EFT and then go right into the EFT tapping experience. (See the chart on where the EFT tapping points are located here.) We work on clearing and releasing the emotions and beliefs around prosperity and abundance, and then replace those with more positive thoughts, emotions and beliefs, allowing your vibration regarding abundance to be lifted and aligned.
Complementary EFT Call on Abundance
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