Reach success in your soul-centered business
the Sacred Feminine way.
Let your “Inner Wise One” guide you in your Sacred Business.
Shine your True Radiance so that those who are just
waiting to find you, will find you!
Release negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors
that are blocking your Sacred Success.
- Are you worried what people will think of you …
- Have physical or health issues that are affecting your performance …
- Periodically doubt your abilities or gifts…
- Tend to second-guess what you’re working on…
- Feel overwhelmed by all the tasks you must do…
- Feel discouraged because business-building isn’t coming easy for you…
- Stressed out about your finances…
Embrace your unique gifts.
Break through the blocks that hold you back.
Step forward on your illuminated path.
Find confidence, clarity and faith to gain momentum
and achieve Sacred Success!
Are you a coach, healer, intuitive, artist, messenger or visionary feeling the call of your soul to share your gifts with the world?
If you are struggling to find success, you’re not alone.
Many entrepreneurs with special gifts have a tendency to internalize their challenges and sabotage their own success; often without even realizing it.
If you are like many of my clients, something inside may be blocking you from…
- Able to take your business to the next level…
- Getting out in a BIGGER way…
- Revealing your true self in your business…
- Unable to support yourself doing work you love.
If you are following marketing and business mentors … putting the “blueprints” and strategies into place, but still can’t seem to achieve success, you may just need to clear what’s getting in your way and step into the Sacred Feminine way of doing business..
There’s a Way to Stop Your Light
From Being Dimmed By Struggle.
Bring your true essence to your offerings.
Keep a good balance with your “doing” and your “being”.
Introducing a 6-week program to help you break through the struggle and clear the blocks that are keeping you stuck. This is a powerful, sacred space to…
- Eliminate the blocks that keep you playing small, so you can share your gifts, and help others live a better life!
- Achieve the confidence and clarity you need to powerfully step boldly into your heart-centered business.
- Harness the power of Attraction to magnetize your ideal clients. With the right clients you can support and grow your business, and be in a position to reach more people who need your help.
- Gain clarity so you can follow the call of your soul, compare your options and stay on track.
- Build a sacred business that improves the world, and makes your heart sing!
- Feel empowered and to have the confidence to share your unique gifts on a massive scale.
- Have fun doing the work you love and are meant to do.
- Fulfill your dreams, by living your life purpose … helping uplift humanity … and enjoying the “financial freedom” that a thriving business can create.
- TRUST your “inner wisdom” so you can follow your unique path, attract your ideal clients, and share your gifts with the world!
Here’s a taste of what’s included…
Stage Two: Release and Clear Your Blocks
Stage Three: Shine a Light on Your Brilliance
Stage Four: Get Clear on Your Action Steps
Stage Five: Gain Confidence to Walk Your True Path to Success
Stage Six: Awaken Your Inner Priestess
Hi, I’m Maryellen De Vine.
For over 13 years, I’ve been working with the angels and empowering women like you.
I believe that each one of you have a unique and brilliant Light that radiates from within you. But sometimes that Light gets dimmed by watering your brilliance down to reach the masses, and by emotions and beliefs that don’t serve you anymore.
I know how difficult it can be to step forward, and confidently monetize your gifts. But I’m here to tell you that you CAN make a difference in the world, doing it in a Sacred Feminine way.
It’s just a matter of breaking through your blocks … shining in your true brilliance … sharing your gifts with confidence and clarity… and allowing your Inner Priestess to lead the way.
“Before the program I had an idea in mind for my sacred
business, yet needed help getting focused enough
to get started.”“Through Maryellen’s guided sessions, I was able to identify the things that were holding me back and areas that I needed to work on in more detail. I found Maryellen to be gentle in our sessions, but with very powerful messages and empowering statements. She helped me feel more grounded in my business and consequently in my personal life. I so enjoyed being in a group with like-minded women, where the discussions and the sharing allowed me to learn a lot about what was going on with me as well. By the end of the program, I felt empowered to grow my business and shine my light in a bigger way. I am excited about reaching out to new clients and sharing my spiritual gifts to empower women and men to live a life full of love and passion. I highly recommend Maryellen and this program!”
~ Suzanne, California
“I was honored to be able to join Maryellen in her Sacred Success
for Healers, Intuitives and Coaches program.”“Through her Angelic EFT and guidance, I was able to find my sacred path and understand the direction I now plan to follow. I loved how Maryellen combined art, the Divine Feminine, and just getting in touch with my inner-child to find my new direction.”
~ Deanna, Palo Alto, California
“I Cleared My Blockages, Moved Energy
and Got Back into the Flow.”“It was wonderful working with Maryellen. In just a short amount of time, she helped clear blockages and move energy to help put me back into flow. I highly recommend her programs and services, and encourage you to connect with her as well. Thanks so much, Maryellen. You’re terrific!”
– Linda K., Chicago, IL
“Several resources and an exciting income
opportunity have ‘come to me’
effortlessly as a result.”“Maryellen is very insightful and intuitive. I highly recommend her work. I have clarity about my next steps now, and feel free to move forward in the area where I was blocked. Several resources and an exciting income opportunity have ‘come to me’ effortlessly as a result. I feel truly empowered. Thank you so much, Maryellen!”
– Janina Fisher, Ontario, Canada
I Invite You to Unleash Your Potential…
Let me help your “entrepreneurial journey” to be filled with ease and grace – so you can save time, avoid frustration, and step boldly into your gifts.
With Sacred Success for Healers, Intuitives and Coaches you’ll learn to tap into your inner wisdom, break through your barricades, and draw upon universal energies to align your life, your business and your calling.
I bring together a unique and special mixture of coaching, Spiritual teaching and Angelic EFT to help you, and guide you in finding your truth and inner wisdom.
Just Click the Button Below to Join Me On a
Sacred Journey of Business Transformation!
One Payment of Only $297
Two payments of Only $175
(one now and one in 30 days)
Sign Up Now and Enjoy 3 Amazing Bonuses(Valued at $189!)
PLUS!Additional Early Bird BONUSES!Sign Up by the next Early Bird date
Are you ready for your Sacred Journey? Join me for only $297 TODAY!
(Or two payments of $175 each)
“We cleared a major block I have held for a very long time.”
“I want to give gratitude to Maryellen for her Angelic EFT and how powerful it was to work with her. We cleared a major block I have held for a very long time. It was so effective that as we were doing it together to clear the foundation of fear block, I saw that we did it as ONE, and FOR Everyone! What a gift to have the opportunity to work with this goddess. I totally recommend connecting with her if you need some clearing work done.”
– Marlayna Lynne Marks, Toronto, Ontario
“I’m still in a blissful state – amazing!”
“Your program is so needed and necessary right now, especially for women. To be all that we can be ~ it’s priceless. You are the real deal! Your Angelic EFT is such powerful stuff. I’m still in a blissful state – amazing! Thank you, Maryellen!”
– Dr. Lily Benavides, Social Scientist & Leadership Development Educator,
Here Is Everything This Powerful Program Contains…
- Six 90-minute weekly group phone conferences
- MP3 recordings of all calls
- Bonus recordings to continue the process between calls
- Access to the Program’s exclusive Facebook Group to connect with others in the group, share, and support each other
- BONUS: Half-hour laser-focused private session with Maryellen ($75 value)
- BONUS: The Angelic Journeys Opening to Success Sacred Ceremony Kit ($67 Value)
- BONUS: 44 daily inspirational reminder tips after program ends ($47 value)
The Next Session of the Program Starts Soon!
Wednesdays at 10:00 am Pacific time (1:00 pm Eastern)
Imagine in as little as 6 weeks, you can break through
the hidden blocks that stop you for achieving success.
Yes, there are other programs out there. But many cost thousands of dollars and don’t contain the in-depth mixture of Spiritual and healing energy techniques that I am able to share with you.
It’s important to me to make this program affordable. Instead of paying $2500, $1000 or even $500, your investment is only $297.
And, I’ll do everything within my power to help you clear the internal barriers that are keeping you stuck and struggling.
Or, work with me one-on-one in a private, personalized coaching program.
Private coaching offers customized sessions focused solely on you!
You’ll be able to pinpoint your unique blocks … use a specifically tailored combination of Spiritual healing and coaching techniques … and blast to success more quickly and easily.
Either way, don’t you deserve to break through your blocks, and achieve the success you crave?
I invite you to boldly step into your gifts … to ride the current of ease … and use your unique gifts to inspire others and transform lives.
Imagine all the good your gifts can do! How much is it costing you, or others, if you continue to hide out?
Click the Button Below To Reserve Your Spot…
One Payment of Only $297
Two payments of Only $175
(one now and one in 30 days)
![]() Peace of mind guarantee!I know you are going to love this program. I’m so confident about the quality of this program that I am offering a Peace of Mind Guarantee. If you find that after the first three calls that this program isn’t right for you, you may request a refund. |
I invite you to honor the calling of your soul and join other soul-centered women entrepreneurs just like you in taking this journey to a joy-filled, successful, sacred business.
Say “Yes!” to uplifting your life and illuminating the path for others. Bring more of your “Inner Priestess” to your business.
With my warmest wishes for your heart-felt success,
P.S. Don’t forget: One of the bonuses is a private session with me. We will spend this time zeroing in and creating even more transformation for you!
P.P. S. Click here to find out more about my Private Coaching Program or browse my website for more information.
Still Have Unanswered Questions?
You can get a feel for the program by listening to this Free Introduction with Maryellen.
“What if I’d have to miss one of the calls?”
All calls will be recorded, so you can listen to them when you are able. Doing this program through the recordings can be a perfect solution to those in different time zones.
“What if I’m too busy?”
I totally get that! However, being too busy can be one of the symptoms of being in the struggle rather than being in the flow. By focusing these 90 minutes per week, you will discover how to truly create time for the things that support you. I invite you to gift yourself with a powerful solution for releasing that struggle and step into the flow.
And using the recordings may be the answer so you can participate when you have pockets of free time. Perhaps on Saturday mornings while in your pajamas with a cup of tea!
“What if I can’t afford it?”
This may sound like tough love, but…you can’t afford not to. Time keeps going by as you work through the resistance and struggles. What clients aren’t you helping by not allowing yourself to really be seen? If you aren’t in alignment and attracting your perfect clients, then your income is suffering. I am committed to helping women break through their limitations and offer a couple payment options that are very affordable.
“Can’t I just work through my blocks on my own?”
Sure, you can. However, that can be a slow process. In this program, we will have laser focus on specific, common issues that block soul-centered entrepreneurs like us. Many of my clients have commented on how it could have taken them months to work through a particular issue using traditional therapy, and instead they blasted through it in one session. And the technique is so quick and gentle, yet so powerful!
Still have questions email