I’d like to first welcome those of you who are new to Angelic Journeys! It’s wonderful to have you here!
Secondly, I’d like to give a big hug and thank you to those of you who sent me emails (and even phone calls) after my last newsletter. It is so amazing to feel the love and support from you all! (If you missed my last newsletter, you can read about how my life got turned a little upside down recently, and the Power of Human Kindness by clicking here.)
In today’s newsletter I thought I’d share with you some of the simple, yet powerful tools we have available to us and that I’ve had to utilize recently. And to remind you that we are never alone: we have our spiritual helpers here assisting us.
My son’s car accident happened in early December, and I’ve been quite surprised at how strong I’ve been these past few months. Yes, we Mama Bears need to be strong for our cubs when the going gets tough. I’m sure I’ve been strong because I’ve had to hold a space of Healing and Light for him (and for our whole family). But the trauma that happened was real; feeling it was probably put on hold while I needed to handle things in a strong way.
Last week I found the trauma of it all starting to poke its head up to be seen and felt. I had some pretty uncomfortable, emotional days. Even though it’s not fun to go through, it’s much better to walk through it than to stuff it back down. It was time to release some of the trauma and the emotions.
- I took walks outside; calling my angels and guides to walk with me. I would ask the Elements to help clear me as I walked. Feeling the breeze (Air) and the sunshine (Fire) on my skin, seeing the trees and hills around me (Earth), and feeling moisture in the air (Air), I trusted that it was all assisting in the releasing. I consciously opened myself to releasing that which no longer serves me. These walks were so helpful!
- While showering, I’d affirm the positive. I’d give thanks for the day being blessed and for being helped through this. I’d open myself to receiving (whether it would be healing, or wisdom, or assistance, or strength…whatever I might need for that day).
- I also felt inspired to release some of the trauma and emotions through painting. I chose to paint a “Portal of Love, Healing, Possibilities, and Miracles”. The intention was for it to be a portal for releasing what I needed to release, as well as a portal to bring to me what I needed. I let the colors call to me that wanted to be used in the painting. I started by writing the words of my intentions onto the blank canvas; followed by blessing the canvas as I sprayed it with Rose water. Then I painted with the intention of releasing and receiving. I assume there may be other layers painted onto this canvas. Perhaps a layer when I’m having a tough day; perhaps another layer when I’m having a good day. I know this canvas is holding the energy of blessings so that I may go through the process of releasing the trauma gracefully.
- I also have been seeing “angel numbers” quite a bit lately when I look at a clock (11:44, 3:33, etc). This is something that shows up in my life now and then, and I pay attention. It’s a gift from Spirit letting me know that my angels and guides are with me, assisting me, loving me, letting me know that all is well. I do not consider it “just a coincidence” as some might. I’ve invited the angels into my life and have affirmed that I am open to receiving, and I view this as one of the ways that I receive.

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