With Spring officially here (in the Northern Hemisphere), we can utilize the wonderful energy that Spring offers us. This is a time of seeing trees and flowers blossom, birds making their nests for new birth, and a general feeling of “aliveness”. We can choose to use this time to birth our wishes, dreams and intentions; to plant the seeds and watch them grow.
What are you wishing for and intending? Perhaps it’s to spend more time with your creativity; or it’s to launch a project you’ve been itching to start; or it’s to move your business to the next level; or perhaps to focus more on keeping balance in your life. Whatever it is, this is a lovely time to utilize this powerful Spring energy.
You could do something to signify your intentions, letting the Universe know that you are ready! Doing some sort of action gets the ball rolling and the energy moving in that direction. You can write your intentions out, paint them out, or speak them into the wind, for example.
I chose to plant some flowers in pots out on my patio to represent the blossoming and growing of my wishes and intentions. The act of planting these flowers was sacred, filling the soil and plants with blessings. I even found in one of the pots a little angel wing that must have broken off a decorative piece from a previous year. I took that as a lovely sign from the angels that they would assist with my wishes and intentions. I placed the pots where I could see the beautiful colors each day when I look out my kitchen window. I also placed them next to the lawn so that they would get watered easily by the sprinklers (representing getting things accomplished with grace and ease!)
As you can see by the photo below, my wishes, dreams and intentions (I mean, flowers) are growing quite nicely. They instill hope in me. With the different colors and kinds of flowers, it gives the feeling of all kinds of different blessings coming my way. And as I write that sentence, I realize that I have indeed been receiving blessings already!
So, perhaps you might consider doing some small act to set your wishes and intentions in motion. A simple and fun way is to blow some bubbles; allowing the rising bubbles to take your wishes, dreams and intentions up to the heavens.
I’d love to hear your ideas! Please Comment below.
Maryellen–There is so much “newness” that is happening right now for me. Intentions with action: that has become my daily focus. Thanks for this lovely article. I feel even more inspired!
Maryellen, I love the blow bubbles idea. I will take you up on that idea and do this. Thank you for sharing.
Feeling inspired and fueled upon reading your spring blog! Thank you, Maryellen.
I am “springing into action” towards my intentions! Thanks for the great post!
I love your ideas and your flowers are beautiful! I may try the blowing bubbles, that is unique and fun!
Thanks for a lovely post. It’s so important that we think about our intentions and you captured it perfectly!
Thank you all for your wonderful responses! Hugs, Maryellen
MMM! I LOVE this! It brought tears to my eyes. I’ve been planting lots of seeds (literally and metaphorically) and watching them grow.
I love the bubble idea too! Thank you again.