A few years ago I had some health challenges and had to give myself the time to recuperate and “recharge my batteries”. After a few months I started feeling much better and ready to get moving again. I felt inspired to do a “personal sacred ceremony” to celebrate this new energy I was feeling and to bless and energize my Lightwork and my personal life. I gathered up a candle, incense, sacred well water, figurines of an angel and a fairy, a feather, and some things that represented what I wanted blessed and energized.
I was also drawn to include a drum and a second candle that had been lit with the “flame of Avalon”. I called on God, the angels, and guides, and one by one held up to the heavens the different items to be blessed: a folder with a spiritual novel I was working on, the chapter I was writing for the book “Angels: Winged Whispers”, my business card, photos of my husband and me, and of my three sons, and a Qigong video (representing my physical health and time for me).
I asked that all aspects of my life stay in balance and flow with grace and ease. I felt drawn to the Avalon candle, so I lit it, held it up to the heavens, and sensed that it was to represent the allowing of my “Inner Priestess” (the wise one, the healer, the seer, the sacred feminine) within me to come forward more. I noticed the flame shining quite brightly, and it seemed that it was showing me that my Inner Priestess would now shine just as brightly. I wrote my wishes on a small piece of paper, placed it in a plastic egg (representing new life, rebirth and fertility), along with a small quartz crystal to amplify the blessings. There were a few other things I did in this ceremony, but I won’t make this too lengthy for you to read
When I finished, I felt so good; so energized and full of spiritual power. It carried with me the entire day. I could feel things shifting within me.
Here is a message I received from the angels about Personal Sacred Ceremony:
“The time is now to infuse your wishes with power. Do you feel a need for a spiritual helpful hand? When you have wishes and dreams that you want to create; when you have stale energy in your life that you would like to release (emotions, habits, situations that are not for your highest good, etc.) you can give these intentions an extra boost by the act of Ceremony. When you have an occasion to celebrate, you can add sacred power behind your intentions for this celebration. The actions you perform add power; your focus on the intention adds power. Ceremony is a call to us to help you with your wish, to bless your wish, to carry your wish to the Heavens.”
Personal ceremony really is a wonderful thing to incorporate in our “regular” life. Ceremonies can be simple or they can be elaborate. Which ever way they are done, they hold power and they are sacred.
I hope you’ll give Personal Sacred Ceremony a try.
I really enjoyed this your sharing your, “Personal Sacred Ceremony.” This has power and grace within it and I tried it this morning. The moon is full and my need and concerns just needed that extra boost. Thank you for all of your sharings. I do feel edified and blessed from your postings.
Have a blessed Yuel, Christmas and holy days.
Thank you,