Greetings, I hope you had a wonderful Easter or Passover, if that is your tradition! And I hope you are enjoying the beginning of Spring!
I love this time of year! Living in California allows me to see some beautiful days and gorgeous flowers already. The different traditions (religious or otherwise) remind us that this is a time of renewal and rebirth; a time of bringing in more Light; no longer a time of needing to be quite so dormant and inwardly focused. It feels so joyful to me!
I’m reminded of the fun Easter hats, pretty dresses, pastel colors, bunnies and chicks from our days as children at this time of year. The fun Easter hunts we’d enjoy. My boys have grown up enjoying these traditions too, but in our own way. My parents, who are in their 80’s, still put on an Easter hunt for us “kids”, who are in our late 40’s to 60’s. (We “kids” let our own kids participate too
My oldest brother and I have had a “tradition” of laughing and squealing while pushing each other out of the way, yelling “I saw it first!”
This is a great time to call upon the energy of joy and fun and Lightness. Allow that Spring energy to uplift you and help you to start taking some action steps to spring forward. Perhaps you’re feeling that “Spring cleaning” tug to do some clutter clearing; perhaps you are feeling you’re ready to take your heart-centered business to a higher level; or perhaps you’re ready to bring more fun and joy or self-care into your life. Whatever you may be feeling the nudge to do, let the energy of Spring help you.
Take a moment to close your eyes, focus on your heart, take a few deep breaths, and let your heart tell you what that step is. It may be a small action step or a giant leap. Then ask your angels to flood it with the energy of grace and ease. And breathe in the energy of Spring’s Lightness and joy.
How do you feel? What is your action step?
Remember to trust your inner wisdom. Even if your head thinks you should start on a big project, but your heart just told you that you need to start taking naps or giving yourself some down time…listen to that. Honor your own inner wisdom. That just may be the first step in accomplishing that big project. You can always check in with yourself again later to see if it’s time for the next action step.
So many of us push ourselves with all we have on our plates all the time, this may indeed be a time of renewal for you. Again, honor what you need. I find that when I honor what I need and take some time to recharge my batteries, Spirit often gifts me with some inspiration or idea, the words I’ve been struggling to write, or some sort of wisdom.
Give it a try!
Happy Spring!
Beautiful post Maryellen. I particularly loved the end about not doing too much and allowing Spirit to guide us. This post felt like a breath of fresh spring air!