I just love how Spirit is always communicating with us. We just need to recognize it and listen!
This morning I was working in my office. I had finished up a couple tasks and glanced around my desk to see what I should work on next. I noticed a slight tremor of overwhelm as I looked at all the things on the desk and the disaray. “I’ve got to get back to straightening and organizing this office,” I thought to myself.
Then my eyes “seemed” to be drawn to my angel card decks that sit on the shelf above my desk. It felt like I should pull a couple cards, and specifically from the Archangel deck (the deck that my eyes fell upon – out of the many decks I have).
As I shuffled, I “heard” the number three, so I pull three cards. And guess what the three cards were that I pulled?
Brilliant Idea!
Clear Your Space
Divine Order
Now, how can that be “just a coincidence”? No way! I know my angels are always with me and want to help me. Had I not acted on those subtle nudges I was receiving, I would have missed their guidance. They know that I’m sensitive to energy, and that the chaotic energy of a disorganized office is not very conducive to being in the flow; that it creates overwhelm for me.
Well, thank you, Angels! Thank you, Spirit! I will definitely be spending some time today working on my office
I love it! Simply Amazing
Your story gave me such amazing vibrations. Sent the chills right up my spine. If you don’t mind me asking what deck is that you are using? I found your blog from searching on the web Doreen’s Angel Deck’s, I am looking to buy myself a new one. 
Be Well and Many Blessings to you
Thank you, Param! The deck I used here is Doreen Virtue’s “Archangel Oracle Cards”.