Nature is Amazing!

Our family had a nice couple of Summer months and had a wonderful  vacation in Whistler (Canada) and Alaska. We had lots of excursions out in Nature. That was so good for my body and soul! We did some white water rafting, which had me squealing with delight as we’d ride the rapids, and then during the calm parts of the river looking around and enjoying the beauty and quiet all around us. It left me feeling so energized, yet also relaxed.

White water rafting


On another river boat excursion, we saw quite a few Eagles around us. At one point as we were speeding along, I could feel a connection with the Spirit of Eagle and felt Eagle clearing my chakras. It felt as if its wings were flapping inside of me (flying right along with us but inside me), clearing me and recharging me. What a wonderful blessing!

Eagle in tree

When we were home again, I was taking a walk in our neighborhood and was surprised to see a family of turkeys hopping off of a rooftop and crossing the street, right in front of me. How often do I see that?! Then the next day I took my walk in the park that is in our neighborhood and saw these same turkeys. I had to look up Turkey totem when I got home:
“Like all animal helpers, this animal will only appear when right and appropriate, and cannot be forced to visit you, commune with you, or share messages with you. In places where the wild turkey lives, you may find that the wild turkey seeks you out through a chance encounter. Wild turkeys are more than capable of disappearing from view, so sighting one (especially more than once) can represent the relevance of wild turkey’s lessons in your life.

Its gift may be spiritual, material or intellectual. Through giving to others will you reach your own goals.

The Turkey is linked to the third eye, the seat of feminine energies within us, and the center for higher vision. Turkey is also the symbol of the Mother Earth and her abundant harvest. All of Earth’s blessings and the ability to use them to their greatest advantage
are part of Turkey’s teachings.

Wild turkey teaches us how to use energy in small bursts, very effectively. The wild turkey is capable of high flight and running speeds, but only in short amounts. So the wild turkey must have an excellent sense of timing, and a great sense of its own energy stores. Having both of these, it is able to out-fly and out-run many predators. Wild turkey teaches you how to use your own energy stores as effectively as possible, and how to preserve your energy when necessary. It is important to not waste your energy on something unnecessary, and leave yourself drained at crucial times in your life.”

I felt quite honored to have Turkey appear to me (twice!) The messages really resonated with me about the Feminine energies, as I am feeling the Sacred Feminine really coming forward within me these days; about using all that we have available to us (as we access and use the qualities and power of different things that are of the Earth, especially when doing Sacred Ceremony – which I love doing!); and about being sure to use our energy stores as effectively as possible to not feel drained (I can surely appreciate that in my own life, and it also feels like it’s referring to my “Replenish Your Spirit” coaching).

So, the point of all this sharing is to remind you to graciously accept all that Nature has to offer us, in its many ways. We get used to looking upwards to our Heavenly helpers for assistance in our lives, and often forget to look around us and notice what has been given to us that is right here upon the Earth. Wow – thank you, God! We have indeed been blessed!

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