Repetitive Motion as an “Active Meditation”

Pink baby sweater

Knitting as "Active Meditation" A few years ago I was in an airport on my way to a training course and was at a kiosk to purchase some trail mix (and chocolate, of course). My eyes glanced over at the book section, and one book in particular really grabbed my attention. It was almost as though it had neon lights flashing at me. The book was “The Friday Night Knitting Club” by Kate Jacobs. I felt the nudge to buy it and start reading it on ... [Keep Reading]

Replenish Your Spirit tip #2

Yoga pose outdoorsCrop400px

Do Some Yoga or Qigong! I don't do it often enough, and to be honest with you, I go through periods of time when I totally forget about it! But I LOVE when I do practice Qigong. I have a few DVDs and I can follow the instructor in my own family room. I like to do it in the morning, before anyone's up, and the house is nice and quiet. I like it (and yoga is the same) because I get a nice stretch in my body. The movements don't hurt me! I ... [Keep Reading]

Replenish Your Spirit tip #34

Napping with dog

Take a nap with your furry loved one! I love taking naps! Even if the nap is only a half hour long. Sometimes when I'm really dragging and have to pick my boys up from school in a little bit, I'll put the timer on so that I wake up just in time. Oh, but when I'm able to snooze for a good hour or so - now that's "sweet sleep"! And then to have your kitty or dog snuggle in with you, that's the best! These guys love you no matter what. ... [Keep Reading]

Your Turn to Fly!

Blue butterly with sparkles

This is a beautiful video to the song “I Am Who I Was Born to Be” by Susan Boyle (below). I love the line in the song “It feels like my turn to fly”! This is such TRUTH for every one of us. Allow yourself to find who YOU were born to BE. ... [Keep Reading]

Bring the Spiritual to Your Creative Endeavors


A friend and I took a class at the bead store in town to make wire-wrapped bead bracelets. Rather than just making a “pretty bracelet”, we thought it would be nice to choose an intention for the bracelet to represent. I chose bringing forward the Sacred Feminine within me. This made choosing just the right crystals, beads and charms a wonderful process. I chose ones that had particular feminine properties (like moonstone and fresh water ... [Keep Reading]

What Are You Craving?

Woman meditating in nature

In our hectic, busy lives we so often put everything else as a priority. The kids need us, the household duties call loudly, there are demands at work, and the list goes on. Finding time for ourselves seems to always be last on the list. And because of this we can find ourselves feeling dissatisfied in one or many areas of our life, and depleted because of it. I invite you to take a moment right now to think about what you're craving ... [Keep Reading]

Nature is Amazing!

White water rafting

Our family had a nice couple of Summer months and had a wonderful  vacation in Whistler (Canada) and Alaska. We had lots of excursions out in Nature. That was so good for my body and soul! We did some white water rafting, which had me squealing with delight as we'd ride the rapids, and then during the calm parts of the river looking around and enjoying the beauty and quiet all around us. It left me feeling so energized, yet also ... [Keep Reading]

Independence Day = Freedom!


[custom_frame_center][/custom_frame_center] Today is the 4th of July here in the U.S., also known as Independence Day. I've been working hard recently on recreating my website and decided that I needed to give myself a day off today. After all, it is a holiday! I must remember the importance of recharging my batteries. When I got up this morning I made a cup of coffee and went outside to sit with my flowers and trees and fresh air ... [Keep Reading]

The power of Love

Hearts of different colors

[custom_frame_center][/custom_frame_center] One morning I felt guided to fill myself with the power of Love. Love is so pure and transformational. While in a meditative state I focused Love into each of my chakras (the energy centers of our body) and asked for the following: Crown chakra - That I connect with Spirit, which is pure Love Third Eye chakra - That my intuition is strong and clear; seeing through the "eyes" of Love Throat ... [Keep Reading]

Magical Sparkles

Dancer with butterflies and sparkles in the morning sun

[custom_frame_center] [/custom_frame_center]   I'm so excited to share with you one of my artistic creations! I've started using Photoshop and am really enjoying tapping into my creativity. I wanted to learn Photoshop to make graphics for my newsletters, website, etc., but found that it's really adding some sparkle to my work life. Speaking of "sparkle," Laurel Bleadon-Maffei and JoAnna Rothman are the creators of Big Sparkly ... [Keep Reading]