Creating the Life You Want

Woman sitting in flowers

Creating The Life You Want... Are you living YOUR life or someone else's? When I ask women to describe the life they want, most say a loving relationship, financial stability, life balance, and the opportunity to help others, while doing what they love. So you have to wonder, why so few actually live the life they desire. Sometimes we focus on coping or surviving and don't give our dreams much thought. Often we put others first and our ... [Keep Reading]

Connect with Your Creative Genius


So, today I'd like to talk about the Creative Genius that resides inside of you. For a long time, I didn't believe that I was "creative". I've always thought of myself as a "stick figure drawing kind of gal". I think it stems from when I was little and Sister Mary Something-or-other made an example of me in front of the whole class about how we should NOT color. I can remember it vividly. She drew a teardrop figure on the blackboard and ... [Keep Reading]

Receive What You Need at This Moment


I can't believe that it's already June 10th! Last week was my boys' last week of school. This seems to signify for many of us a time that we can breathe a little without that school schedule and things to keep on top of. Halleluiah! (Wow, that's quite a word to spell correctly :-) In honor of that, I thought instead of writing in this post, I would share a little silence and the beauty of Nature with some photos I've taken. Just take a ... [Keep Reading]

Clearing Space for Receiving & Thriving


Recently I've been feeling compelled to reorganize and clean up my office. Working in an office space in my home has been a blessing (while still raising our three boys), yet it also lends to having stuff put in there when we don't have another place for it, as well as papers piled around from being pulled away from my desk to drive the kids to or from somewhere, run an errand, etc., to need to get back to later. I have tried numerous times ... [Keep Reading]

The Wisdom in Our Creativity


Do you ever feel like your life is turning into just one big to-do list? I've been feeling that way lately too. As part of my self-care I've been giving myself bits of time to reconnect to my creativity. When I spend too much energy in task-mode, I don't feel that I'm as connected to my Inner Wise One or my Inner Creative Genius as I'd like to be. It's so important for us, especially those of us who are soul-centered entrepreneurs, to ... [Keep Reading]

My Soul Art Process


What an incredible morning I had the other day ~ being led through a Soul Art process! I’ve been craving more artistic connection and expression these days, and when I saw the post by a Facebook friend that she needed to facilitate a group Soul Art process to complete her certification, I jumped at it! She did not need a large group, just more than one person ~ so a friend of mine said she’d love to do it with me. Oh. How. Fun! We were ... [Keep Reading]

Law of Attraction and Abundance

Law of Attraction and Abundance Most people have heard about the Law of Attraction by now (at least through the movie "The Secret"). We've learned that what we focus on is what we'll receive. What the Law of Attraction (and physics) really means is that we attract what we are vibrationally aligned with.   Einstein put it this way: "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you ... [Keep Reading]

Call upon Spring’s Energy


Greetings, I hope you had a wonderful Easter or Passover, if that is your tradition! And I hope you are enjoying the beginning of Spring! I love this time of year! Living in California allows me to see some beautiful days and gorgeous flowers already. The different traditions (religious or otherwise) remind us that this is a time of renewal and rebirth; a time of bringing in more Light; no longer a time of needing to be quite so dormant ... [Keep Reading]

25th Wedding Anniversary


25th Wedding Anniversary This past weekend, my husband and I hosted a party to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary (which was actually a few months ago). It turned out beautifully! We had lots of family and a few friends in attendance. There was amazing (catered) food and lovely flowers all around.   We made a photo video that played throughout the party. It started with our wedding, to having babies, to now with our teenage boys. I ... [Keep Reading]

Spiritual Tool: Sending Love

Spiritual Tool: Sending Love When we're on a spiritual path, we want to think that we are only about Love and Light (right?) And we probably are for the most part. However, we all have times when we feel our "human-ness". We face challenging situations, have arguments, lose our cool with our kids, or just have a plain old bad day. This is just part of the "spiritual beings having a human experience" thing. But we have a powerful spiritual ... [Keep Reading]