Be Inspired by the 12 Days of Christmas

There seems to be much turmoil on the planet these days. I’m sure you sometimes feel that you wish you could do something about it, but you can’t imagine what that could be since you are just one person.

Well, you are more powerful than you might imagine!

Way back in 2002 (the year after 9-11, which was still quite present in our minds and hearts), I created “Imagine: A Peace Project”. (It was cracking me up that as I typed my first few sentences above, the word “imagine” came through a couple times!) Even in 2002 I felt strongly about the power of our intentions and sending Love and energy out to people and the world.

I remember doing one of the “exercises” that I suggest in “Imagine”, where I listened to a song that I felt was very beautiful, and to then send the energy and feelings of that beautiful music out to the world. That instance was one of my “magic and miracles” experiences. As I listened and sent my love of the song, playing it over and over, I suddenly heard angels’ voices singing it instead of the man’s voice on the CD. It was amazing! Those voices held such a loving and powerful energy that touched my heart and soul. And then my sending THAT energy out to the world!! Wow. I knew that I was making a difference doing something simple like this.

The project suggests that you pick one of the exercises per day, which evoke a feeling and energy, and then send that out to the world. Just like the “Twelve Days of Christmas” which was the inspiration, there are twelve exercises.

I invite you to join the others who will also be sending healing and loving energy out to the world. We truly are more 522d3dfb84c49f3e77bbe011powerful than we imagine! Remember that there needs only the flame from one small candle to light up a dark space.

You can go in the order they are written, or pick the one you feel inspired to do that day.

As you do them, remember the story of my hearing the angels’ voices. It will remind you that your angels and guides are happy to help amplify the energy you send.


IMAGINE: A Peace Project


  1. Find or imagine something that is very beautiful to you (flowers, a scene in nature, art, the moon, the sky full of stars, etc.). Really see and FEEL the beauty. Send that feeling of beauty out from your heart and into the world. Imagine that this feeling touches every person on the planet. Let this feeling flow out until it feels complete.


  1. Pick a song or piece of music that you find very beautiful. As you listen to this music, FEEL the beauty of it. Send that feeling of beauty out from your heart and into the world. Imagine every person on the planet being filled with this feeling. (Play the music over as many times as you’d like.)


  1. Pick a song or piece of music that invokes a very happy, joyful feeling. As you listen to it, imagine yourself dancing like a carefree child. Imagine that you are dancing with angels, or with little children, laughing and filled with joy. Send that feeling of joy out from your heart and into the world. Imagine that this feeling touches every person on the planet. (Play the music over as many times as you’d like.)


  1. Give a dear friend or loved one a big hug that is filled with love. (You can imagine doing this if you cannot be with that person.) FEEL the warmth and love you have for each other. Send that feeling out from your heart and into the world. Imagine every person on the planet being filled with this feeling. Let this feeling flow out until it feels complete.


  1. Sit against or near a large tree. Imagine and FEEL its wisdom and grounding energy. Now imagine that same wisdom and grounding energy exuding from all the trees on our planet and filling all of humanity. Let this feeling flow out until it feels complete.


  1. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself standing, feeling your feet connected to Mother Earth. Imagine and FEEL the love Mother Earth has for her inhabitants. Picture this love flowing up from your feet, through your body, and into your heart. Feel how strong and grounded you are. Feel this love growing stronger and stronger within your heart until you feel you must release it out into the world. Picture yourself raising your arms up to the sky, palms facing upward, and see this intense love rising through your arms. When it comes out of your hands, it suddenly transforms into beautiful white doves – the white doves of peace. See them fly off into the sky to spread peace and love to all.


  1. Go outdoors and sit in the breeze. FEEL and experience that breeze as it releases your soul of all earthly burdens. Ask that the breeze carry blessings of the element of air around our planet. Let this feeling flow out until it feels complete.


  1. Light incense, dried sage, dried lavender, etc. Imagine the smoke being carried across our planet and dissipating all negative feelings (fear, hatred, greed, etc.) Picture and FEEL every person on Earth changing from being in a cloud of darkness to being filled and surrounded by light. Let this feeling flow out until it feels complete.


  1. Go to a spot where you can feel the sun shining on you. (Even if it’s a cloudy day, imagine the warmth of the sun on your body.) FEEL and experience that warmth. Ask that the sun shine its warming light on the planet, melting away any “coldness” that may be in the hearts of humanity, and bless us all with the energy of the element of fire. Let this feeling flow out until it feels complete.


  1. Light a candle, or even better, light many candles. As you light each candle, say silently or aloud a blessing (i.e. “May there be peace on Earth”, “May there be only love in our hearts”, etc.) Imagine and FEEL the light of the candles illuminating the skies and KNOW that there is no darkness where there is light. Ask that we be blessed with the element of fire. Let this feeling flow out until it feels complete.


  1. Pick a special cup or glass and pour a beverage into it. Place your hands, palm side down, over the cup or glass. Ask that this beverage be blessed from above. Imagine this blessing shining down on you, through the crown of your head, filling and illuminating your heart, and flowing down your arms and out through your hands into your beverage. Bring the cup to your lips and as you drink, ask that you be filled with love, joy and peace. As the liquid goes into your body, picture your body filling with love, joy and peace, and then flowing outward through your body, and out to others.


  1. Go to a body of water (creek, river, stream, pool, lake, ocean, etc.) or imagine being there. FEEL the creeks, lakes, and oceans being connected and flowing to or from one another. Imagine and FEEL the bodies of water being filled with love and light from the heavens. Picture the planet with all the bodies of water that cover so much of it! Imagine and FEEL those bodies of water radiating this feeling of love out to the surrounding landmasses and filling its inhabitants.


I’d love to hear about your experiences with this!

I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season!





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