Creating the Life You Want

Creating The Life You Want…

Are you living YOUR life or someone else’s?

When I ask women to describe the life they want, most say a loving relationship, financial stability, life balance, and the opportunity to help others, while doing what they love.

So you have to wonder, why so few actually live the life they desire.

Sometimes we focus on coping or surviving and don’t give our dreams much thought. Often we put others first and our dreams are put off until “later.” And, sometimes we ignore what we really want and have settled for a life that others wanted for us or for themselves.

If you are not living the life you want, here are FIVE simple steps to get you started:

1)    Complete Clarity: Before you can manifest what you want, you must be clear about your desires. This may seem obvious, yet a lack of clarity tends to slow down even the most intelligent people. Knowing exactly what you want to have, do, be and share, is the easiest way to stay on course.

2)    Avoid the “Shiny New Object Syndrome”: It’s easy to lose momentum when we get distracted with new, exciting things and opportunities. It’s best to separate the things that will move you forward from the ones that will throw you off track.

3)    Redefine Failure: Look at your “failures” as an opportunity to learn. Focus on the journey instead of the destination. You’ll be far less critical about your mistakes when you enjoy the process along the way.

4)    Allow Inspired Discovery: We all crave inspiration and new challenges. It’s hard-wired into our DNA. Without discovery, we would never have left the cave, invented the wheel or flown to outer space. Have the courage to stretch out of your comfort zone, and allow Spirit to guide you.

5)    Go Guilt-Free: Taking time to care for ourselves, guilt-free, is difficult for many people. Sometimes it feels as though things will fall apart if we “let go.” But when we do let go, something amazing happens: the earth still spins and people find a way to manage without us. I encourage you to take time for yourself. Recharge your batteries. Not only will you feel refreshed, but you’ll become a better entrepreneur, parent, spouse and Light-bearer on the planet.

You CAN start creating the life you truly want!

How will you incorporate these steps into your life?

Woman sitting in flowers

  Author’s content used under license, © 2008 Claire Communications


  1. So simple & basic it almost hides how truly POWERFUL & effective these steps are!! Thank-you!!!

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