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“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw
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Experts Take the Benefits of Laughter Seriously
July 2, 2016 By Maryellen Leave a Comment

My family and I just got back from a cruise to Alaska. What a great time we had! We splurged this year, and instead of getting two cabins for the five of us, we got the penthouse suite! Wow! Talk about being spoiled. I could get used to that :-)All that extra space and the huge deck allowed us all to really relax and recharge our batteries. It was good medicine.I hope you are taking steps to take care of yourself. Perhaps a little spoiling is in order. Perhaps plan a ... [Keep Reading]
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Life Lessons from the Garden
April 25, 2016 By Maryellen Leave a Comment

I love when Springtime arrives! I've enjoyed watching our trees as they go from the bare branches of Winter to bursting with the lush green leaves of Spring. Our roses, azaleas, and all the other flowers just sweeten the scenery with their wonderful color and beauty. It seems appropriate to share today an article on using the wisdom of the garden to help navigate through life.Life Lessons from the GardenConsider the dandelion. Reviled by many as an insistent, bothersome ... [Keep Reading]
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Overwhelm-Busting Strategies
March 15, 2016 By Maryellen Leave a Comment

I've been hearing from so many people about things seeming to be a wee bit crazy these days :-) You may be feeling it too (perhaps you're overwhelmed from busyness, or from worry, or from a challenging situation). I understand...I've been feeling it too. The article below gives us some helpful suggestions for dealing with overwhelm. I hope you'll use some of these strategies! Sometimes we just need to hear a friendly reminder :-) Overwhelm-Busting StrategiesSymptoms of ... [Keep Reading]
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Be Inspired by the 12 Days of Christmas
December 15, 2015 By Maryellen Leave a Comment

There seems to be much turmoil on the planet these days. I'm sure you sometimes feel that you wish you could do something about it, but you can't imagine what that could be since you are just one person.Well, you are more powerful than you might imagine!Way back in 2002 (the year after 9-11, which was still quite present in our minds and hearts), I created "Imagine: A Peace Project". (It was cracking me up that as I typed my first few sentences above, the word "imagine" ... [Keep Reading]
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Gratitude Gift
November 19, 2015 By Maryellen 4 Comments

At this time of year (celebrating Thanksgiving in the U.S.) our thoughts turn to being thankful. Today I am feeling thankful for you (so be sure to continue to the end of this post for a gift) and for a couple of my doctors. Yesterday I went for my annual physical. I filled my doctor in on what's been going on this past year and the challenges our family has been through. I admitted that I hoped it had not affected my health too much. I also shared with him that I had ... [Keep Reading]
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